Pengo Media


CEO of The Martin Organization

CEO of Martin Capital




Rod D. Martin, member of the “PayPal Mafia,” technology entrepreneur, futurist, fund manager and author, is founder and CEO of The Martin Organization and an in-demand speaker who has spoken on over 1,000 stages. Human Events says, “Whether speaking to groups of 10 or 10,000, all across the nation Rod draws the crowd in, bringing them to tears or lifting them to their feet at will. He’s friendly, jovial, self-deprecating. You can’t help but like him.”



The Golden Age Ahead: America and the World From Now to Mid-Century

Rod Martin captivates and inspires audiences with a hope-filled vision, backed up by exhaustive research: that we are entering a golden age, in which illiteracy and abject poverty will be swept away. This new reality will not be the end of problems by any means, but it will change the nature of the problems we’ll face, as well as the opportunities before us.

What Musk, Page and Branson Know About Space That You Don’t

Rod Martin’s keynote address shows why, and why you need to pay attention. Space is a place not a program, just as the New World was a place 500 years ago, filled with opportunity, resources, and potential to redefine every industry and even civilization itself. The difference now, as opposed to fifty years ago, is that access is no longer monopolized by two superpowers engaged in a chest-thumping exercise. The men developing space today are doing it for profit. And they mean to succeed.

The Next Big Thing: The Technologies and Trends Shaping Your Business and Your Future

Rod Martin was part of Silicon Valley legend PayPal, and is the Founder and CEO of The Martin Organization, whose portfolio of companies and investments ranges from cutting edge biotech to next generation internet applications, energy, and aerospace. He has been invited to speak by the governments of China, Russia and many other countries across the world on technology, innovation and the future.

Secrets of a Pharmaceutical Insider: How the System Works Against Us

When after PayPal Rod Martin took on a struggling pharmaceutical startup, helping rescue it from bankruptcy and saving its potentially breakthrough science, he entered a world as different from Silicon Valley as could possibly be.

The Noblest Profession

Though sales and selling are constantly derided, salesmen move the world. Rod powerfully argues that salesmen and entrepreneurs work tirelessly benefiting others, and that all human progress depends upon them.

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